Your Start Up Information Kit 2022/23

Aug 17, 2022

The empty halls of TIS are ready for our students’ return  filling them with big smiles and happy chatter. To help you plan the start of the 2022-2023 school year, we have rounded up some important dates and information you need to know in preparation for the next term.

This quick guide will provide an overview of many key dates to help you set up for a successful first few days of school, whether your child is in Pre-K or Grade 12!

Click Here to Download Your Start-Up Information 2022/2023 for All Students (Eng) 

If you have any further questions please email

Moreover, here are 3 quick tips to stay-in-the-know of all things TIS throughout the school year:

  1. Download the DSEDJ App Here - with the recent COVID-19 pandemic development in Macao, it’s important to stay informed with news and announcements about the logistics of school during this period. TIS fully complies with DSEDJ and the Macao Health Bureau’s policy and requirements; communications and announcements are sent to parents within 24h to 48h of government announcements. With DSEDJ’s App you are able to receive right away information about school closures due to inclement weather conditions or other policies by which TIS operates under.

  2. Emails - our School’s official communications are sent to parent’s email addresses. Please check your emails regularly and update your email addresses in Gibbon before the beginning of the school year, so that you’re always up to date with your child’s academic life and important information. Plus, don’t forget to always check your spam or junk mail folders to see if any TIS emails end up there.  If so, simply move them to your inbox or add our TIS emails to your contact list and you should never miss an email again.

  3. SMS - subscribe to the School’s SMS list to receive important updates about school directly to your phone! This information usually includes updates about school operation under inclement weather conditions. Subscribe here!

Don’t forget to follow TIS’ social media accounts! We publish updates regularly and it gives you an insider’s look into the everyday life of your child, from preschool to high-school!







  1. 下載教育及青年發展局手機應用程式 - 隨著新型冠狀病毒在澳門的擴散情況,家長可透過應用程式了解在此期間學校方面的新聞及公告。作為其中一所本地學校,澳門國際學校將完全遵循澳門衛生局及教青局政策及要求。透過下載應用程式,家長及學生將在政府發佈最新訊息後24至48小時之內收到通知。此外,亦可透過應用程式獲取因惡劣天氣或因其他政策而需暫時關閉學校的信息。

  2. 電子郵件 - 本校傳訊部會經由電子郵件方式發送學校資訊與家長溝通,請家長定期到Gibbon系統檢查提供之電子郵件地址是否有效,並在新學年開始前再次檢查電子郵件地址,以便隨時了解孩子的學習生活及重要訊息。另外,請不時檢查電郵中的垃圾郵件或垃圾桶,以防學校發送之電郵跌進有關文件夾中。若發現學校郵件被分類為垃圾郵件,家長只需將郵件重新移動至收件夾,或將學校郵件添加至聯絡人,日後便不會再錯過任何一封學校電郵。

  3. 短信 - 登記學校短訊可直接獲取學校重要訊息!獲取的訊息包括在惡劣天氣下的學校運作情況最新消息。點擊此處訂閱


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