Advocating for Mental Health Awareness in our TIS Community

Feb 07, 2018

Too often we can be reactive rather than preventive when it comes to dealing with the mental health of our younger members of the community. This year, TIS has led the way in implementing a Grade 1-12 program within the curriculum to ‘teach” the skills necessary to make our students resilient and strong advocates for themselves. Both our Teacher Advisory and Moral Education and Civics Program dedicate time so that students can explore questions such as how does my brain function to how can I ask for help when I feel lonely, sad and depressed. Encouraging students to speak out about mental health issues is encouraged and supported at TIS.

Here are some tips on how anyone can help.

What is Mental Health? 

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood

What is Our Responsibility?

What is your Role as the Caring Adult

Notice: what’s going on for the young person you care about.

Ask : reach out and ask how they are?

Know: What resources are available and how to help them access it.


Causes for Concern

Its OK to ask! Conversations and Communication are Important

Next steps

If you find that after reading some of the information in this article raises questions for you, please contact the Student Services Department at TIS, where we have a wide range of professionals who can assist you.



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